Laboratory grand opening

The new SDS laboratory officially opened on 19th Aprill. It was a huge event for whole team. Guests, including brand owners, were provided a complete tour of the lab and it’s facilities along with the opportunity to attend thematical speaches. PhD Magdalena Staniszewska demonstrated inPROBE and its capabilities. Also it was good opportunity to introduce SDS Optic team by our Chief Business Officer Mateusz Sagan. Here you have some photos from event

You can also watch movie from laboratory grand opening

Research Impact EU at European Parliament

We had a privilege to take part in a high-level conference Research Impact EU at European Parliament in Brussels where the best R&D projects showed how their innovations changed the world around us. It was a great honor to be invited by Jerzy Buzek. This conference was a great place to how EU Research & Innovation improves everyday life in Europe. Our Chief Business Officer Mateusz Sagan joined the conference and meet with a great people over there, incl. Carlos Moedas Antonio Tajani Daria Golebiowska-Tataj Sorina Pintea. Also big applause for Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy Programów Badawczych UE to bring so many great innovative projects from Poland for this event. Finally the Parliament has agreed to increase the budget for R&D up to €120B and focus on a life changing challenges. Sounds great and lot to be happening in Europe in the coming years

Innoventure fund invested PLN 3 million in SDS Optic

The investment will allow the company to calibrate its device for clinical trials. The company is now creating a plan for a biological laboratory that is necessary for further research. The funds will be used to purchase the highest quality equipment for the laboratory. The company plans to complete calibration and clinical trials in 2021. After this process is completed, the device can be made available to doctors and patients.

The current version of the device is capable of detecting the concentrations of markers in the medically required ranges. With the probe it will no longer be necessary need to collect tissue samples, and doctor and patient will receive a precise, numerical test result in ten to twenty minutes.

“The use of our technology in the diagnosis of breast cancer will greatly reduce cancer mortality by up to 30%. Thanks to our micro probe, the diagnosis is objective, without the risk of misinterpretation of the result by humans, which is a risk in other methods. The diagnosis is also much faster, which improves the chances of successful treatment and reduces the costs of treatment” – says Dr. Magdalena Staniszewska.

SDS received funding from European Union’s Horizon 2020

The European Commission has contributed SDS Optic’s project “Revolutionary opto-biological methodology for aggressive HER2 cancer”. The startup from Lublin was granted €3.985.000 from the SME Instrument (Horizon 2020) programme to develop a revolutionary optical device OmiProbe for safe, fast and non-destructive cancer diagnosis.

As part of the Horizon 2020 programme, the European Commission is hand-picking potentially disruptive businesses to invest and support as part of the SME Instrument. In the latest phase (June 2017), 1514 projects applied for the financial support and only 57 (2 from Poland) got funding. The grant for SDS Optic is so far the largest for the polish company and also the largest in this phase of the programme. It will finance optimisation of the SDS-OmiProbe device, independent clinical trials, certification and commercialisation.

SDS Optic designed a revolutionary opto-biological methodology that allows for instant cellular processes studies including in-vivo cancer diagnosis with single-cell resolution. SDS-OmiProbe detects presence and measures concentration levels of the HER+ cancer cells in breast tumours. It is a breakthrough device that carries the potential to address the challenges of SoA cancer markers diagnosis and biopsies. In essence, it is a laboratory test at the tip of a probe, but with greater accuracy, efficacy and quantitative results. SDS-OmiProbe may also be used as a companion diagnostic tool for targeted therapy and targeted therapy drugs.

According to World Health Organization, cancer is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, with approximately 14 million new cases per year. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and is considered the second most common cancer overall. Each year about 1.7 million new cases are diagnosed worldwide and over 500,000 women die from the disease. Current diagnosis methods of cancers fail to deliver objective results. Diagnosis requires extracting tissue samples via invasive and expensive biopsy, followed by laboratory analysis, which is subject to significant levels of discordance. Thanks to SDS-OmiProbe, the accurate result of the same analysis will be achievable in a few minutes. It will spare the patient’s pain and stress connected with biopsy and waiting for the results. It is planned that the first patients will be diagnosed using SDS-OmiProbe in 2021.