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Promising perspectives for the application of inPROBE® technology platform for protein expression determination

inPROBE® technological platform was designed to determine protein expression in a way different from the standard one. Determination is performed in vivo, without the need to collect tissue. The results is obtained in real time and the result is quantitative, so it is an objective result, expressed in numbers.

EIB to support SDS Optic with EUR 10 million funding for inPROBE®

SDS Optic Inc. concluded EUR 10 million venture debt finance agreement with the European Investment Bank (EIB) under the InvestEU Fund for R&D project related to development and commercialization of its diagnostic and monitoring cutting-edge photonic biosensing inPROBE® platform technology.

Milestone: Launch of the inPROBE production line

Next milestone on the way to implementing a pilot production of optoelectronic components for the optical biosensors used in inPROBE® microprobes. The inaugural launch of the inPROBE production line.

SDS Optic #news: Clairfield International as a transaction advisor for SDS Optic S.A. in the commercialisation of inPROBE®

SDS Optic signed a contract for advising in finding a strategic partner interested in commercialisation of the platform with the renown Clairfield International from New York.

SDS Optic #news: clinical trials and pilot production run of the inPROBE microprobe

We witnessed several really intense months. Our team was working hard on the implementation of Phase I of clinical trials. Engineers are taken up by the pilot production of the inPROBE microprobe. QA specialists ensure the correct implementation of the ISO system and MDR requirements. Read the complete article to find out what else was (and is) going on in our Company.

Urządzenie inPROBE - wizja SDS Optic S.A.OUR VISION

According to GLOBOCAN 2020 data, over 2 mln breast cancer cases yearly are noticed worldwide. At the same time, breast cancer took the lives of almost 700 thousand people.

Medical science believe that effective and fast detection of the illness would save the lives of many patients around the world. That’s why we created and developed the inPROBE medical device, first ever optic fibre microprobe, enabling in vivo real-time breast cancer diagnosis.

Our vision to “increase the cancer cure rate by 30% by 2030” is an indissoluble part of our DNA – connecting and motivating the whole SDS Optic team.

Who we are

The SDS Optic team is working on a breakthrough technology based on rapid detection of test substances in the body, including cancer markers, with particular accuracy, the using laser beams and innovative components. At the end of the process, the reading is interpreted on the detector by means of an appropriate conversion algorithm, which gives the level of the compound tested (e.g. HER2 cancer marker) in numerical form. 

Our technology is a breakthrough. We create inPROBE a tool for direct measurement of the HER2 marker. The use of a microsonde will save the patient pain and stress associated with a biopsy and waiting for the result. We want to save up to 30% of people diagnosed with cancer by 2030

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