Ownership structure

As of April 2019, Share Capital of SDS Optic represents 76.860 shares valued 3.843.000,00 PLN, each share valued at 50,00PLN. SDS Optic ownership structure consists of capital belong to: Magdalena Staniszewska, SDS Optonic LLC, Innoventure, Polish Entrerpreneurs Foundation.

Magdalena Staniszewska, PhD, DSc
Co-Founder, Chief Science Officer

235 500 shares valued 235.500,00 PLN – 6,1% in Share Capital

SDS Optonic LLC
a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), controlled and managed by Marcin Staniszewski, Co-Founder and CEO

2 400 000 shares valued 2.400.000,00 PLN – 62,5%

Majority of SDS Optonic LLC shares belong to Marcin Staniszewski. Remaining part of SDS Optonic LLC shares belong to 4 Business Angels, who invested at early startup phase.

INNOventure – venture capital fund from Cracov, Poland

INNOventure helps scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs develop business projects based on the results of research and development. INNOventure creates companies together with scientists, research institutes and investors. As a shareholder INNOventure provides not only financial capital, but also broad support in building valuable businesses

490 750 shares valued 407.500,00 PLN – 10,6%

Polska Fundacja Przedsiębiorczości

Polish Entrepreneurs Foundation (PFP) – seed fund from Szczecin, Poland

POMERANUS SEED is managed by Polish Entrepreneurs Foundation, one of the largest SME support organization in Poland.
The fund was launched in 2010 and actively invests in polish technology startups.
Initial capitalization was 18 mln zl. Currently the fund invests money coming from exits.

800 000 shares valued 800.000,00 PLN – 20,8%