Press releases Posted on 5 March 201930 August 2022 by Paulina Czarnecka If you’re a journalist and have any questions about the published press releases or you would like to receive them directly to your mailbox, please get in touch with Paulina Mikolajczuk email:
Media relations Posted on 5 March 20198 August 2019 by Paulina Czarnecka Learn more about SDS Optic progress, and explore our recent announcements and resources.For additional media inquiries, please contact: General and International Media InquiriesPaulina MikołajczukMarketing & Communications Manager email:
NCBiR Bridge Alfa Posted on 1 March 201921 March 2019 by Paulina Czarnecka Polish National Centre for Research and Development launched the third edition of their BRIdge Alfa program. Within this program, private investors can obtain funding that will later be invested in small enterprises, especially in research and development projects. The budget of this edition of BRIdge Alfa reached an astounding sum of 1 billion PLN. The program aims to support innovative R&D projects at early stages of their development, especially during the preseed phase. It’s not a surprise that private investors are often reluctant to finance projects at this stage. The funding offered by NCBR (so-called proof of concept funding) decreases risks, allowing researchers to work on their projects with a constant financial support for a period of up to 5 years. Neither NCBR nor participating investors claim rights to the companies or patents obtained by the project team.
Investors Contact Posted on 26 February 201918 January 2021 by Paulina Czarnecka We are committed to maintaining relationships with our investors, shareholders and persons interested in investor relations information. Contact us. Mateusz SaganChief Business Officer / Supervisory Board MemberEmail: MATEUSZ SAGAN, MBA Experienced Senior Executive Manager / Chief Business Officer at SDS OpticMBA graduate from University of Central Lancashire Preston, UKExperienced Leader and Executive Management, specialized in strategic management, sales management, start-ups in different countries and cultures. Strong financial, ethics and compliance background, with personal capabilities developed with Dale Carnagie and Franklin Covey programs.Strong Leadership and Vision building expertise.Polish National Sales Awards referee; Business Centre Club member, TEDx speaker
Ownership structure Posted on 26 February 201920 April 2021 by Paulina Czarnecka As of April 2019, Share Capital of SDS Optic represents 76.860 shares valued 3.843.000,00 PLN, each share valued at 50,00PLN. SDS Optic ownership structure consists of capital belong to: Magdalena Staniszewska, SDS Optonic LLC, Innoventure, Polish Entrerpreneurs Foundation. Magdalena Staniszewska, PhD, DScCo-Founder, Chief Science Officer 235 500 shares valued 235.500,00 PLN – 6,1% in Share Capital SDS Optonic LLC a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), controlled and managed by Marcin Staniszewski, Co-Founder and CEO 2 400 000 shares valued 2.400.000,00 PLN – 62,5% Majority of SDS Optonic LLC shares belong to Marcin Staniszewski. Remaining part of SDS Optonic LLC shares belong to 4 Business Angels, who invested at early startup phase. INNOventure – venture capital fund from Cracov, Poland INNOventure helps scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs develop business projects based on the results of research and development. INNOventure creates companies together with scientists, research institutes and investors. As a shareholder INNOventure provides not only financial capital, but also broad support in building valuable businesses 490 750 shares valued 407.500,00 PLN – 10,6% Polish Entrepreneurs Foundation (PFP) – seed fund from Szczecin, Poland POMERANUS SEED is managed by Polish Entrepreneurs Foundation, one of the largest SME support organization in Poland. The fund was launched in 2010 and actively invests in polish technology startups. Initial capitalization was 18 mln zl. Currently the fund invests money coming from exits. 800 000 shares valued 800.000,00 PLN – 20,8%
Media about SDS Optic Posted on 26 February 201916 July 2019 by Paulina Czarnecka SDS Optic is committed to providing the media with timely and accurate information. This section offers key resources for journalists, editors and other media professionals. Here you can read more about progress, and explore our recent announcements and resources. Lubelscy naukowcy: Dzięki tej metodzie szybciej wykryjemy raka piersiRMF FM Unikalny projekt naukowców z Lublina. Dzięki niemu szybciej można wykryć raka piersiZDROWIEGAZETA.PL Polski projekt przyszłością diagnostyki onkologicznejPULS MEDYCYNY Szybki test nowotworowyPANORAMA TVP PL Rewolucja w diagnostyce raka piersi – mikrosonda InProbeONKONET Naukowcy z Lublina opracowali rewolucyjną metodę wykrywania raka piersiFAKT Rewolucja w diagnostyce raka nadciąga z LublinaRADIO LUBLIN Lubelscy naukowcy opracowali szybszą metodę wykrywania raka piersiONET Polski projekt przyszłością diagnostyki onkologicznejINŻYNIER MEDYCZNY Lubelski wykrywacz rakaNOWY TYDZIEŃ To urządzenie sprawdzi w kwadrans, czy nowotwór jest złośliwyRYNEK ZDROWIA SDS Optic zdobywcą nagrody Wschodzące TechnologiePULS BIZNESU Polska medycyna sięga po daneFORSAL Nowe technologie ratują życieMONEY.PL Sonda z Lublina skróci wykrycie raka piersi do 15 minut. Nadzieja dla pacjentówPOLSAT NEWS
PARP – Go to Brand Posted on 26 February 201921 March 2019 by Paulina Czarnecka SDS Optic was granted from PARP Go to Brand programme for inPROBE promotion actions on foreign markets. Main aim of this grant is supporting promotion and internationalization inPROBE project. Each of the Go To Brand payee has a promotion funding programme which indicates specific events (usually trade shows) at non-EU markets, where companies may promote their products. Individual promotional activities are thus linked with the national strategy of building repute and prestige of the Polish economy brand abroad. The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) is involved in the implementation of national and international programmes financed from the EU structural funds, state budget and multiannual programmes of the European Commission. As a key authority responsible for creating a business-friendly environment in Poland, PARP contributes to the creation and effective implementation of the state policy related to enterprise, innovation and staff adaptability. Pursuant to the principle “Think Small First”, in all its activities the Agency puts a particular emphasis on the needs of the SME sector.
NCBiR Strategmed Posted on 26 February 201921 March 2019 by Paulina Czarnecka The Programme intends to face challenges of ageing society, the higher incidence of chronic diseases and in the end, to deal with the issue of rising medical service costs. The key objective of the Programme is to achieve a significant progress in the treatment of civilization diseases and regenerative medicine on the basis of results achieved from research and development activities conducted in the following areas: Cardiology and cardiac surgeryOncologyNeurology and sensesRegenerative medicine The Programme is to stimulate the innovation and competitiveness of Polish economy, particularly in biotechnology, biomedical engineering areas, by means of projects oriented to development and implementation of new methods used in the areas of: prevention, diagnosis, medical treatment and rehabilitation. Moreover, STRATEGMED will strengthen the international competitive position of Poland in the following areas: research and development activities in the scientific fields related to STRATEGMED, involvement of dynamic international teams of young researches and finally, know-how and new technologies transfer to the Polish economy.
NCBiR Patent Plus Posted on 26 February 201921 March 2019 by Paulina Czarnecka The aim of the program is to subsidize the activities of scientific entities and entrepreneurs for applying for a European and international patent protection for acquired by them as the results of research or development. SDS Optic was granted by National Centre of Research and Development in Patent Plus programme.